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Simon's College Dos And Donts

When it comes to incoming freshmen in college, there's a lot they should know. Check out Simon's tips for college dos and donts when it comes to university life.
Simon's College Dos and Donts

Do: Work Hard
Don't: Procrastinate
When it comes to schoolwork, it literally is what you pay for. So put in your time, work hard, don't slack off, go to class, and be studious. Even if everyone else makes life balance look easy, they're probably going through the same thing!

Do: Spend time socializing
Don't: Hide in your dorm room
The biggest mistake freshmen make is staying in their room the whole time. Take advantage of every opportunity in order to meet new people and make connections - you never know who you might meet.

Do: Stay Organized
Don't: Try to group everything together
Keep everything straight and organized! Just like in high school, have a color for every subject and label things. Keep your supplies together - it will eliminate stress later.

Do: Exercise
Don't: Get Lazy
The freshmen fifteen is real. When it comes to eating, your meal comes with everything you need to eat. What could be better? Make sure that you're still exercising so you can keep yourself in check.

Do: Follow a routine
Don't: Sleep in
No parents? Making your own schedule? It seems too good to be true. If you're anything like Simon, you're stoked to sleep late every day. Resist the temptation and get into a routine when it comes to your college lifestyle.

Do: Party just enough
Don't: Party too hard
It's easy to get caught up in your newfound freedom. Let loose, but not that loose. You can be sure to get into the groove of college - but don't lose sight of that degree and stay on track.


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