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Funny Clothing for Women and Their Crappy Lives

Whoever said that men have it worse than women was terribly wrong. Our funny girly shirts, funny girly hoodies, and funny sweatshirts for womenhave hilarious designs that all women can relate to. A lot of people say that life is good, but those people have perfect lives and are probably rich and famous. A real girl, a down-to-Earth woman who is normal, would say that life is crap. Women have it bad, but that doesn't mean they can't try and enjoy their lives. Our funny girly shirts have funny designs that will have all women saying, "Yes, that has happened to me!" When we have that chance to look back at crappy situations and laugh at them, it makes life easier and more fun. Our funny girly hoodies and novelty girly t-shirts are great for any and all women who know what it's like to have a broken heelruin their makeup in the car, the bathroom being out of order, or coming to the realization that her boobs will eventually sag lower than her arms. Our funny girly graphic shirts and funny girly t-shirts for women will have all women laughing at themselves and the crap they have to deal with.   
