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How to Survive Winter Fun when It’s Freakishly Cold Outside

Arctic air is swirling all around the country, and temperatures are colder than usual just about everywhere in North America. The Deep South is even due to get significant snow this week. When the temperatures dip too far below freezing, outdoor excursions for any reason can be very dangerous. If you’re going to go ahead and brave the cold because you must ski on fresh layers of powder or maybe go ice fishing, it’s critical that you dress to prevent frostbite and hypothermia. Tips for staying warm and surviving outdoor fun during an arctic blast follow.


Wear the Right Stuff

Astronauts sure enough get decked out in some cool digs to explore space and it’s also important to wear the right stuff venturing into extreme cold surrounded by snow and ice. Throwing on just anything as warm layers isn’t good enough. Follow proven advice because your life actually does depend on it. Here are important tips for what to wear in temperatures that are truly fit only for enchanted ice queens and abominable snowmen:

  • Wear wool or synthetic socks. Never wear cotton socks in this type of situation.
  • Protect your hands with waterproof, insulated mittens or gloves.
  • Pull on a warm cap or hat.
  • Protect your chin, cheeks, and neck with a knit scarf or mask.
  • Wear at least three loose layers of clothing. The inner layer next to your skin should be made with moisture-wicking fabric—preferably wool or synthetic long underwear. Down vests and fleece pullovers make the best middle layer. The outer layer provides protection from snow and rain. Insulated and/or waterproof ski jackets and pants are best.


More Tips for Safety in Freezing Weather

Keep in mind that children lose heat more rapidly through their skin than adults do. Kids may not realize how cold they are. It’s best to call them back inside without waiting for them to complain of being cold. The idea is to avoid hypothermia and frostbite. Most at risk for frostbite are the toes, fingers, chin, nose, cheeks, and ears. The following are signs and symptoms of frostbite:

  • Pain and redness are the first signs someone may be developing frostbite.
  • The skin is white or grayish-yellow on some areas.
  • The skin feels waxy or unusually firm.
  • It feels numb where the skin is frozen.


Immediate Medical Attention Needed for Hypothermia

Hypothermia occurs when the body temperature is below 95 degrees, and medical attention is needed without delay. Hypothermia has an effect on the brain, and most signs of the condition are cognitive. The following are among the warning signs:

  • Memory loss
  • Confusion
  • Fumbling hands
  • Drowsiness
  • Slurred speech
  • Exhaustion
  • For infants, the signs are cold, bright red skin and very low energy.


What to Make with Lemons in Winter

Mind-numbingly cold weather is bad news on many levels, from traffic accidents to getting stranded on lonely stretches of road to power outages caused by the snapping of ice-laden tree limbs. But if your way of making lemonade is defying warnings and seeking outdoor fun, you and your lemonade will both be frozen.


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