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4 Reasons New Year’s Resolutions Fail

Breaking New Year’s resolutions is as easy as stealing candy from a baby, and it can come with about as much guilt. It’s great to make a resolution that takes you closer to your dreams, but following through is the trick. According to experts, making goals for a new year is good and keeping New Year’s resolutions is doable. The following are some of the pitfalls to avoid, as you strive to fulfill your New Year’s resolutions.


1-You aren’t Ready for Change

There are some big words to describe what is required to follow through with a new goal. Dedication, motivation, commitment, and sometimes perspiration are needed, when reaching for your dreams. It’s important to have a mindset that’s ready for change, which isn’t usually an instant sort of thing. For the months leading up to January, start thinking about the realities involved with the changes you want to make. If it’s losing weight, start collecting recipes for healthy foods you like. Get your mind ready and set, so that your commitments have roots.


2-Your Goals are Unclear

It’s hard to hit the bullseye when you don’t know what the target is. A wishy-washy goal isn’t effective. Confusion needs to be eliminated regarding what you’re doing and why. Having vague objectives is distressing, psychologists say. A clear goal and a specific commitment are needed. Give your New Year’s resolution some thought. Come up with a goal that is both challenging and reasonable. It’s a temptation to give up too easily, when goals are completely impractical.


3-The Struggle is Discouraging

If it was easy to lose weight, everyone would probably look great in their swimsuits. The types of goals that help lift us up toward our dreams aren’t easy. That’s part of the reason so many of us admire great athletes—they are people who did something with their talent or, better yet, achieved greatness through sheer hard work and determination. We can accomplish our dreams, too.

Fortunately, we are hard-wired to find much greater ease in keeping a new habit after about 28 days of practicing it, no matter how tired or discouraged we have been. It’s good to remember that if we press through during the times that are excruciatingly difficult, it’s not long before we end up on a much easier path to ultimate success. 


4-Lack Flexibility

Determination toward a new goal often needs to be combined with some flexibility. If you aren’t making the expected level of progress, take the time to evaluate the situation. It could be that your specific steps laid out for achieving your goal don’t match up with your work schedule and commute. You may need to find different ways to continue on a forward path. From the starting point, make up your mind that you will adjust your actions, as needed, to keep your eyes on the prize and keep climbing.


Be Happy with your New Year’s Resolution

Change is rarely easy. If you need to make changes for health or relationship reasons, go for it! Make a commitment to keep pushing toward your goal, no matter what. Invite friends and/or family to give you backup support. You’ll be glad you did!

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