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6 Reasons to Have a Staycation this Summer

Vacations can be great but they can also be complete nightmares. If you have been contemplating foreign travel, the warnings below can help you divert trouble. When you consider all of the frightening possibilities, you may realize that a staycation makes a lot more sense.

Reasons to Opt for a Staycation

1. Travel Insurance is a Must-Have!

When seasoned travelers advise you travel insurance is an absolute must, it means a lot can go wrong and insurance is imperative. Travel insurance will protect you if you are mugged, injured, get sick, or need to cancel your vacation plans. That’s a lot of risk that may all be avoided, if you decide, instead, to have a staycation.

2. Signs of Wealth can Make you a Target

Travelers abroad are advised to be careful to dress and behave modestly. Flaunting wealth could be as simple as strolling foreign streets with your smartphone in your hand. You can easily become a con artist’s target, if you aren’t careful to obscure evidence of riches. Keep in mind that in many places on the earth, the poorest welfare recipient in the U.S. is comparatively wealthy. Guard your wallet!

3. Attempts to Party Can be Disastrous

If alcohol isn’t your intoxication of choice and you try to get some illegal drugs in another country, you are taking a huge risk. You can’t be sure what type of person you are dealing with. You could be caught in a sting, in which police are posing as sellers. Perhaps even more dangerous, you could take a drug that causes you great physical harm.

4. Beware Gambling Casinos

Do some research before you visit a casino. In some places, casinos are gathering places for illicit crimes of all sorts. In addition, gambling is just another way to flaunt wealth.

5. Never go Barefoot

A warning that comes from travelers with some unfortunate personal experiences is that you should always wear something to protect your feet. Beautiful beaches, for instance, may look like endless sand and shore. Underneath the sand, there could be something sharp that could lead to an infected cut. Even worse, if there happens to be harmful bacteria in the water, getting a cut could have serious health consequences.

6. Ride Motorbikes with Extreme Caution

A typical money-saving way to see more of a country’s landscape is to rent motorbikes. The problem is that the bikes may or may not be well-maintained. Truly, checking out a motor bike for a ride in a foreign country is to put your life on the line. Motorcycle crashes are the cause of too many broken bones, road rashes, and crushed skulls to count.

Tips for a Staycation?

Now that you have a brief glimpse of a few of many things that can go wrong during vacation travel, will you venture forth? Or will you do a Google search on “tips for a staycation?” Whatever you do this summer, if you keep in mind that life can quickly turn to crap, it could save you from a lot of potential disaster.

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