Key Features:
Heavy Cotton T-Shirt
You are supposed to hammer the nail into the piece of wood not into your hand. If you knew that why did you do it? Accidents don't just happen, stupidity happens! I think we can all agree that when doing things ourselves we have all done something stupid. For instance doing a project ourselves was very stupid! This funny T-shirt is perfect for all those DIY enthusiasts who know what it's like to hammer a nail into something way fleshier than a piece of wood. Our DIY designs on our funny T-shirts for Do It Yourself-ers are perfect for anyone who does things themselves.
We know that life is difficult and unfair. We don't ask for anything and we never receive anything good. Our funny tee shirts are perfect examples of what it means to deal with crap in life. Instead of letting that crap get us down though we off our funny graphic tees which were designed to keep us positive in spite of life's crap.
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